

The plan is to cycle around 300km in 3 days through the beautiful countryside of Oita Prefecture and raise loads of money for charity in the process.


Anybody is welcome to take part but primarily the riders and volunteers will be Oita JETs, their friends and teachers. JETs from other prefectures are more than welcome! We're hoping to get about 40-50 people involved. We need riders to raise money and do the cycling and we need volunteers to drive the support vehicles and provide general encouragement.


Flyer map

We'll leave from Sakanoichi on Day 1, cycling south along the coast to Kamae, where we will stay at the Marine Culture Center. Day 2 will see us head south and west dipping into Miyazaki and back to Ume,where we'll stay at the Camp Village. Day 3 will see us peddle our tired legs from Ume back to Sakanoichi.


March 20th, 21st & 22nd (Thurs, Fri, Sat) 2008 - you will need to take one day of nenkyu (paid holiday) on the Friday. March 20th is Vernal Equinox Day, and thus a national holiday.


All riders will need a bike with gears to use for the three days - sorry, but no mama-charis! Unfortunately we cannot provide bikes. Please ask your friends and collegues if they have one they are prepared to lend you. Each participant will need to pay 15,000 yen. This amount will cover accommodation, breakfast and dinner, drinks and snacks, gas money for volunteers and a snazzy T-shirt.


We ask riders, (and volunteers, too!), to collect as much sponsorship money as they can from friends, family and co-workers for undertaking this special challenge. There are no minimums or demands, everyone does what they can, and all funds raised will go directly towards 's ongoing school-building project in association with our chosen charity, Room to Read ( We have only US$4,000 left to raise before we have enough to fund the building of a school in , which anyone holidaying in the area will subsequently be able to visit for themselves and see what a difference our fund-raising efforts are making in this poor, beautiful country.

Aside from the charitable aspect, it's also great fun! It's a perfect opportunity to get out of your local town and see some more of our beautiful prefecture, while meeting new people and making friends at the same time, not to mention a great challenge to your strength and endurance! It's consistently described as one of the most memorable JET events that you can take part in by past participants.

Great! Sign me up![]

If you’d like to take part please send an e-mail to Ryan Patalita at with your name, phone number, e-mail address, Japanese T-shirt size and where you’re based in Japan. Space is limited, so reserve your spot early. Confirmations are due by March 1st at the latest. This year we are looking to top 50 riders.

For those from Outside Oita[] Oita is located in the north eastern corner of Kyushu. It has an airport located about 45 minutes by bus from Oita city. It is also accessible from Fukuoka by the limited express train (about 2 hours) and various ferries including an overnight Osaka route. The most famous tourist spot in the prefecture is Beppu (the land of onsen), if you are interested in additional sight seeing opportunities.

Moving your bike around[] This website shows how to pack a bike to take it on a train. In my experience taking it on the train isn’t that difficult. I detach the wheels and affix them to frame with Velcro that I got from the 100 yen store; it’s really fast and easy. If you don’t attach them to the frame, you will learn how to swear like a dock worker when you have to navigate it around obstacles you couldn’t have possibly foreseen.

officially you need to have a "rinko bag" that is approved by the transport authority for your bike, Ive gotten away without even bagging my bike here in Oita. But be warned, if you don't have one, you may get burned badly at the gate

I've taken my bike on the ferry to shikoku once, and it was really really easy. I simply paid an additional fee for having a bike, no adjustments to the bike were nessecary

Last year someone mailed it and it ended up being over 10,000 yen (a bill they discovered upon arrival). I have heard that there is a pass that you can get to mail it cheaply, but everyone at the post office looked at me like I was speaking English, so perhaps you may want to try a private company.

Some additional information[]

Last year's photos

As for bike helmets—you ride at your own risk so it’s up to you. Last year probably half the riders had them. They can be pretty hefty, but if you search on rakuten or some other internet sites, you could probably get them at a reasonable price

Coming into town on the Wednesday (3/19)– if you plan on coming the night before, while I can’t guarantee anything, I bet quite a few of you could crash at various participant’s localities. I’ll definitely help you look.

I know some of you will scoff at this, but I know more than one person who doesn’t know how to properly shift gears. If you can shift properly, you’ll have a MUCH more enjoyable ride.

Renting a Bike -- I’ve searched high and low, and the only place that I have seen to rent bikes is on the trail between Onomichi and Imabari (Hiroshima and Ehime). Seriously though, ask some friends and co-workers, you’ll be amazed at some of the bikes that they’ll let you use.

The difficulty of the course – While I can’t guarantee that it’ll be easy, it isn’t impossible either. Every year we have participants of all skill levels. The beginners take longer, and the experts scope out some extra stuff, it all evens out in the end.

What happens if I get a flat or I just can’t handle anymore? Well if something happens to your bike, our support crew will do the best that they can to get you back on the road. They’ll also be there for you at countless checkpoints to offer you the refreshments and snack packs that you need to keep going. Last year, everyone managed to finish the course .

How many of the locals are joining? Well it’s hard to say, but probably about 10 or so Japanese friends and co-workers will be joining this year from my early head count.

Do I have to do the whole trip? No, you can do only part if you want to. Each day of the trip is 5,000 yen, and we can adjust your contribution accordingly.

Asking for money by giving a speech[]

Here is a speech for your morning meeting to ask for money. You should read it and then post the flyer in Japanese on the bulletin board

おはようございます。すみません、ちょっとお願いがあるんですが。3月の20日から22日まで「国際チャリティーサイクリング」が行われます。毎年大分県やほかの地域で、わたしたちALTが日本人と一緒に行います。「Room to Read」と言うチャリティです。自転車で三日間300キロ走ります。大分県のきれいな景色を見ながら走ります。発展途上国に新しい学校を建てるためです。去年は「国際チャリティーサイクリング」の寄付でラオスに学校が建てられました。今回、40万円集まったらネパールに新しい学校が建ちます。3日間で300キロ乗りますがすごいサポートチームがいるので、初心者でも参加できます。今回のコースは、坂ノ市を出発してかまえを通りうめまで行きます。そして、坂ノ市に戻ります。2泊3日のたびは15,000円です。食料や宿泊、ユニークなtシャツをふくまれています。 先生方、興味がありましたら参加しませんか。最後にお願いですが、ご寄付をいただけるとありがたいです。お願いします。

おはようございます。すみません、ちょっと おねがいがあるんですが。3がつの はつか  から22にち まで「こくさい チャリティー サイクリング」が おこなわれます。まいとし おおいたけんや ほかの ちいきで、わたしたちALTが にほんじんと いっしょに おこないます。「Room to Read」という チャリティです。じてんしゃで みっかかん300キロ はしります。 おおいたけんの きれいな けしきを みながら はしります。はってん とじょうこくに あたらしい がっこうを たてるためです。 きょねんは 「こくさい チャリティー サイクリング」の きふで ラオスに がっこうが たてられました。こんかい、40まんえん あつまったら ネパールに あたらしい がっこうが たちます。みっかかんで 300キロ のりますが すごい サポート チームがいるので、しょしんしゃでも さんかできます。 こんかいの コースは、 さかのいちを しゅっぱつして かまえを とおり うめまで いきます。 そして、 さかのいちに もどります。 2はく 3にちの たびは 15,000えんです。 しょくりょうや しゅくはく、ユニークな tシャツを ふくまれています。 せんせいがた、 きょうみが ありましたら さんかしませんか。 さいごに おねがいですが、ごきふを いただけると ありがたいです。 おねがいします。

These speeches are meant for teachers inside Oita. If you want to use it in another prefecture, have someone modify it a bit.

Ohio gozaimas. sumimasen, chotto onegai ga arundesga, mikkakan no hatsuka kara nijewni nichi ma de kokusai charitii saikuringu ga okonawaremas. Mai toshi oita ken ya hokano chiiki de, watash tachi ALT ga nihonjin to isshowni okonaimas. “room to read” to iu charitii des. Jitensha de mikkakan sanbyaku kiro hashirimas. Oita ken no kirei na keshiki o minagara hashirimas. Hatten tojo koku ni atarashi gakko oo tateru tame des. Kyonen wa “kokusai charitii saikuringu” no kifu de raos ni gakko ga tateraremashta. Konkai, yonjewmanen atsumattara nepaaru ni atarashi gakko ga tachimas. Mikkakan de sanbyaku kiro norimas ga sugoi sapooto chiimu ga iru no de, shoshinsha demo sanka dekimas. Konkai no kosu wa, saknoichi o shuppatsu shte kamae wo toori umemade ikimas. Soshte, sakanoichi ni modorimas. Nihaku san nichi no tabi wa ichi man gozen en des. Shokuryo ya shukhaku , yuniiku na teeshatsu o fukumarete imas. Sensei gata, kyomi ga arimashtara sankashimasenka? Saigo ni onegai dezga gokifu o itadakeru to arigatai des. Onegai shimas.

Ok, this final part is in romaji, and though I really really hate it, it will really impress your teachers if you can’t otherwise read Japanese. I have changed the romaji quite a bit to make it more phonetic, though its not entirely consistent or perfect. I still remember with shame my first speech in Japanese, and how I wish someone would have given me phonetic Japanese instead.






もちろん誰でも参加できます。大分に住んでいる外国人、その友達、学校の先生がほとんどです。他の県からの参加も大歓迎です。もちろん、外国人の友達が欲しい人異文化に触れてみたい人の参加も持っています。私たちは、サポートしてくれる人も募金しています。(募金活動、車でサポート、応援してくれる人) みんなで、チャリティーサイクリングを盛り上げていきましょう。


Flyer map

第一日目坂ノ市を出発、海岸沿いに蒲江町まで南に走ります。そこで蒲江マリーンカルチャーセンターに宿泊します。2日目は、南西へ進み、宮崎に少し入って、そのあと宇目町へ戻ります。そして、そこで、うめキャンプ村に泊まります。3日目は、疲れた足に鞭を入れて頑張ってペダルをこいで、宇目町から坂ノ市に引き返します。 いつ? 2008年3月20日(木)、21日(金)、22日(土)の三日間。金曜日年休をとって参加して下さい。




私たちはRoom to Read( のために募金します。募金したお金は東南アジアで学校を建てたり、図書館を作ったりする費用にあてられます。募金活動という側面に加えて、このイヴェントに参加することで、自分の住む町を離れて、美しい大分県の田舎の雰囲気を味わい、新しい友人との出会いもあり、とても楽しい経験をすることができます。私たち外国人英語教師が企画するイヴェントの中でも最も心に残る思い出を作ってくれるものの一つだと信じています。

すばらしいね! 参加したい![]

参加希望の方は、お名前、住所、電話番号、Tシャツのサイズ、メールアドレスをライアン・パタリタまで(メールして下さい。 最新ニュースはウェブサイトをチェックしてください!
