Kyushu Cup map

Location map. Click for bigger size

An Annual ALT Soccer Tournament. The Kyushu Cup invites soccer teams made up of ALTs from the prefectures of the island of Kyushu, Japan (Although, Southern Honshu is also invited). Fukuoka Gaikokujin United (FGU) has dominated to date, much like they do in the Western Japan (Awajishima) and All-Japan tournaments.

In 2007, it was hosted in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, June 2, 1-5pm.

The results were as follows:

1. Fukuoka (4-0) 2. Saga (2-1-1) 3. Yamaguchi (1-1-1) 4. Kumamoto (1-2) 5. Nagasaki (1-2) 6. Nagasaki University (0-3)

What - Kyushu Cup ALT Soccer tournament

Who - All ALT prefecture teams from Kyushu and Southern Honshu

Where - Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture (see map above for detailed location)

When - June 2nd 1-5.

Previous Winners: 2007 - Fukuoka 2006 - Fukuoka 2005 - Fukuoka 2004 - Fukuoka 2003 - Fukuoka 2002 - Fukuoka

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